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10 Day Restful Sleep Challenge – Pandemic Version

Are you yawning through the day only to hit the pillow and be wide awake? Do you use sleeping pills to little effect and with fear that it will lead to more severe problems down the road? Has the pandemic made it even harder to fall asleep or stay asleep?

You’ve read all of the information on the internet, and have tried the standard recommendations – no electronics an hour before bed, listening to white noise, keeping the temperature in your bedroom under 68 – all to no avail.

Northshore Acupuncture Center is announcing a complimentary 10 day restful sleep challenge starting Wednesday, March 25th. Each day, challenge participants will receive an email with actions to take to support their sleep. The program was created by combining Chinese medicine knowledge with experience working with people with sleeping issues; it goes beyond the standard recommendations found in a google search about sleep issues.

The activities will help participants fall asleep more quickly, get the rest they are desperately seeking without the side effects, spend less time worrying about sleep, and reclaim their health and happiness.

If you are interested in learning more about the challenge, you can contact Amy at 815.814.1319 or email

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